Join us in welcoming Karen Into to RDW Accounts Payable team! As a numbers person with a love of problem solving, we’re confident she’s got the skills to help keep us on track. Take a minute to learn a little more about her and why we’re so excited to have her join us. 

1. Do you have any nicknames we should know about? 

Nope! I’ve always been just Karen.  

2. What are your favorite and least favorite foods? Please elaborate

 I love cheese of all kinds, as long as it is real cheese, none of that “cheese food” type stuff. I worked for 4 years in a cheese department for a small natural food store in my early 20s. It was my duty to select the cheeses to be sampled daily. I loved trying a new cheese every day.  

My least favorite food is probably shredded coconut. I really have no idea why. I just think it is gross.

3. What is your favorite part about working in accounting?

I’m a numbers person. They just make sense to me. I also love that accounting is present everywhere in many different aspects. That provides opportunities to continually learn and challenge myself. 

4. What’s your favorite place you’ve visited?

When I was a child, I went to the country of Luxembourg with my family. I absolutely loved it! I hope to someday go back, but first I have a list of places I want to visit that I have yet to go. I absolutely love exploring and going to new places.  

(I like that Phil T picked Asheville as that is where I moved from last year. I do miss it!)

5. Cat person or dog person? Why?

There is no reason to pick. I never understood why people think it’s one or the other. Having 3 dogs and 6 cats in my household, I obviously love both. 

6. Favorite karaoke song?

I avoid karaoke singing, but I enjoy watching others, especially songs from the 80s.

7. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To fly. I would have reoccurring dreams as a child in which I could fly. They were the best dreams and probably why I love sleep!

8. Most rewarding project/past achievement you’ve been a part of?

I’m proud of myself for going back to college in my 40s and starting an entirely new career path. It was one of the best decisions I ever made!

9. What’s your background (educational)?

I went to college to get my B.S. in Geology right out of high school. After a few career changes, I decided to go back to school and obtain my A.A.S. in Accounting.  


Welcome, Karen! We can’t wait to learn and challenge ourselves together!