North Shore Community College
How do you re-energize an institution’s relationship with its community?
After a website redesign (completed by iFactory, our web development division), North Shore Community College (NSCC) realized the time was ideal to reinvigorate its brand and raise its profile among the students, schools, and businesses it serves as a respected member of the community.
We positioned NSCC as a nimble and flexible community partner that prioritizes student success. We demonstrated the school’s understanding of what potential students (many of them are the first generation to attend college) need and want, whether they’re new high school grads or have a few (or more) years of life experience.
In six months (January to June), the campaign generated more than 7.5 million impressions and 21,787 clicks. More than 243,000 new users visited the website for a total of 608,000 website sessions. There was a 12% increase in time spent on the site, and 139 trackable application inquiries were directly attributed to the campaign.
A series of empowering messages spoke directly to students in encouraging and uplifting language. Featuring real NSCC students and alumni helped personalize the upbeat design and made the messages more relatable.